Greeks, Beware: The Crows are Ravaging!

It is not for Opinión Sur to pronounce on the causes of the situation besetting our Greek, Portuguese and Spanish brothers and sisters. They, as well as all other Europeans, will be capable of figuring them out, standing tall above the circumstances they are going through, and resuming a journey that dates back a long time. Yet, what we can share with them is our experience with seemingly terminal crises. The collective panic that these crises arouse is perhaps their most dangerous effect: it clouds our reason, fogs compasses, brings about destructive stampedes, and induces self-destructive decisions and behaviors. Anguish and fear drive us to seek shelter at some corner or basement “until the hurricane passes”, leaving the field we sowed, the very house we live in, unprotected.

Beware, because others operate during the hurricane. There are crows that will prey on your unprotected assets to appropriate them with no remorse whatsoever. We suffered that in each one of the many crises the Southern countries went through, and its effects have been devastating. During the course of those short periods of extreme turbulence it is shocking to see how so many assets change hands at absurdly low prices. Watch out, while you hide, crows are ravishing.

Emergency exits, extreme urgencies, instantaneous sacrifices end up being vehicles for plundering, greater inequality and social regression. It is true that one’s own mistakes and a combination of adverse circumstances generate inevitable costs, and that each one has to take responsibility for what he or she has done. But this burden cannot be laid upon the weakest, the most vulnerable ones. Do not be deceived: certainly it will be necessary to put a shoulder to the wheel and work hard to overcome the consequences of our own and others’ failings, but those who led you to the crisis and those who made profits while problems germinated have a greater share of responsibility than the common citizen and, hence, should carry a heavier weigh than the rest. Although there are many affluent people and corporations that will honor with dignified behavior their name and attained privileges, there will be others who will try to transfer their responsibility and profit from the fallen.

Crows have no nationality; there are crows from our own neighborhood and from other places that will flock in prowling for preys. Today, crows also use cutting-edge technology to materialize their pecks. You will see how transactions get activated from the so-called “tax havens”, which we should more properly refer to as “havens for criminals and evaders”. The most dangerous and sinister characters have taken shelter in those caves; they will go for you!
This is not a time for wails but for seeking protection, uniting, standing tall, taking responsibilities, and steadfastly meeting the new challenges, unexpected for many and anticipated by others. Among the latter are those who, with much greater vision, had warned us but we failed to listen to them, and also those who were profiting with the chosen path, and those who were getting ready for the attack they are about to culminate.

With the pain of this situation, that covers and sends once again our own southern sufferings to the end of the news, we say goodbye and until next month.

Cordial greetings,

The Editors

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