Greedy arrogance and better trajectories

It is hard to unmask greediness and arrogance when the whole propagandistic and advertising apparatus relentlessly to conceal what is self-evident: that the unbridled process of concentration of wealth has consequences and responsible actors. On the one side, the concentration of wealth and the power that results from it, sustained by public policies in central countries that protect its reproduction, affects the attempts to secure an organic growth, a sustainable and inclusive development of our countries. Those responsible are financial entities and wealthy individuals, with their accomplices in the media, politics, justice, certain think-tanks and consultants. That small segment of the world population plunges large majorities into poverty and a heinous social inequality; nothing matters to them as much as profiteering and preserving their alienated way of life. Greediness and rapacity surface hand in hand with the arrogance of believing as eternal the impunity they hold today. Little they know about the history of humanity and the ability of peoples to build better trajectories.

In this issue of Opinion Sur, we stubbornly continue contributing to that new social construction with more analyses and proposals.


The Editors

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