
– BioGuía (BioGuide)
– Island of shame
– Solidarity as an initiative
BioGuía (BioGuide)

It is a website / community with the intention of guiding and disseminating ideas that will help in the transformation towards a healthy, eco-sustainable, socially responsible and full life.

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Island of shame

Research conducted by David Vine about how Great Britain expelled from its land the inhabitants of Diego Garcia Island so that United States could install a military base in the Indian Ocean. It was published by Princeton University Press.

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Solidarity as an initiative

During the devastating flood Argentina suffered in early April solidarity actions from people who were affected by the flood and other people and organizations multiplied. People who were affected by the flood became organized to take care of each other and social organizations and self-summoned people also offered their support. The participation of young people who mobilized through their political and social activism organizations was huge. Solidarity in the midst of human drama highlights the best of a people’s reaction when the time comes to face severe emergencies.

Several sources

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