Editor’s Note

Boiling Geopolitics

The globalization process has placed the world geopolitics as one of the mayor constraints in the course of humanity and their planetary consequences: it makes for the development or subjection …

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Geopolitics, national development, and environmental protection

Parecieran aspectos distanciados del devenir de la humanidad y, sin embargo, son múltiples las interrelaciones geopolíticas, nacionales y ambientales que condicionan cualquier trayectoria. En este número de Opinión Sur abordamos aspectos críticos de estas tres dimensiones: en lo geopolítico, el tremendo descontrol que da paso a recurrentes conflictos, fuertes corrientes de emigración y débiles liderazgos; en lo que hace al desarrollo, la gravosa estructura del ahorro que prevalece en muchos de nuestros países y la esterilización y deficiente asignación resultantes; en lo ambiental, el desafío para nuestros países de cuidar y saber utilizar estratégicamente en el contexto global los recursos naturales esenciales que disponemos.   They seem quite distant aspects from humanity’s future and, yet, there are multiple geopolitical, national, and environmental interrelations that condition any trajectory. In this issue of Opinion Sur we address critical aspects of these three dimensions: in geopolitics, the huge chaos that paves the way for recurrent conflicts, steady migration flows, and weak leaderships; regarding development, the onerous savings structure that prevails in many of our countries and the resulting sterilization and poor allocation; in the environment, the challenge for our countries to care for and knowing how to strategically use our essential natural resources in the global context.   Greetings   The Editors

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European shame

Europe reacts against the immigrants as if there had not been permanent migrations in the entire history of humanity. To hide their shame they adduce the crisis they are going through and the preservation of their identities; fear and pettiness weigh heavily. They should know that they are not barbarians but simple humans those that flee from collapsed countries; in the same way that Europeans did so many times, fleeing from wars and huge socioeconomic downturns. With one difference: they were welcomed by countries from all over the world and with time they become socially and culturally integrated into those societies. If migrants that try to reach Europe are progressive and fully integrated, they also will not undermine the diverse European cultures but instead will contribute to enrich and invigorate them.

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The tough adjustment that the European Union lead by Germany has imposed on Greece is part of the myriad destructive impositions that tug the course of humanity. Currently, it is the concentrated in few hands financial capital that imposes its interests with serious consequences. The articles in this issue of Opinion Sur address these painful questions joining the almost universal clamor for transforming the systemic course that is already social and environmentally unsustainable. Our readers will see that Opinion Sur is releasing a new site. It happens that we, the dinosaurs that edit this publication, have been persuaded by our younger wing (not an easy task for them) to adapt our presentation to the new functional and technological changes of our times. Of course once the changes were introduced, we congratulated ourselves to have followed on their lead. Greetings,  The Editors.

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